If your site is loaded with tons of images, then chances are, it’s going to take years to load, leaving your visitors frustrated for waiting too long to load. Most probably, they will wait a few seconds and then move for any other site.
Lazy loading effectively overcome this failure by reducing loading time and significantly speed up images loading velocity.
Lazy loading feature enables only those images to load that comes into view in the visitor’s browser. Therefore, if you own a site loaded with large images, then the lazy loading will load only a few images that are “above the fold,” and the rest will automatically load once the visitor scroll down to the page.
To help you find out the best lazy loading plugin for your site, I have hand-picked some great plugins that offer the same functioning with a variety of options.
- WP Speed of light plugin Lazy Loading add-on
- Key Features of Lazy loading Wp speed of light
- WP speed of light Lazy loading pros
- WP speed of light Lazy load cons
- WP Speed of light plugin pricing
- a3 Lazy Load plugin
- a3 Lazy Load plugin Key features
- A3 Lazy Load pros
- A3 Lazy Load cons
- A3 Lazy Loading pricing
- BJ Lazy Load plugin
- BJ Lazy Load pros
- BJ Lazy Load cons
- BJ Lazy Load pricing
- Lazy Load for Videos plugin
- Lazy Load for videos key features
- Lazy Load for videos pros
- Lazy Load for videos cons
- Lazy Load pricing
- Lazy Load by WP Rocket
- Lazy Load by WP Rocket Key features
- Lazy Load by WP Rocket pros
- Lazy Load by wp Rocket cons
- Lazy Load by wp Rocket pricing
- Wrapping up
WP Speed of light plugin Lazy Loading add-on
Key Features of Lazy loading Wp speed of light
WP Speed of the light plugin is a powerful plugin that comes with incredible features to speed optimize your site. Along with many other valuable features, the Lazy Loading feature is one of its kinds with a most advanced smart system that uses to load a small thumb view of the image and load it gradually with an attractive effect while keeping your customers on-page.
WP speed of light Lazy loading pros
- Super light lazy loading loads images only when the visitor scrolls down to the page.
- A small thumb of a few Kbs is generated while loading the whole image gradually with a gentle effect.
- Works equally great on both scroll direction from upward to downward/downward to upward.
- You can activate it on multiple sites.
- WP speed of light load the page with only content at the start, and after that, it loads the images progressively when the visitor scroll down that keep the page light to load without affecting the fast connection.
WP speed of light Lazy load cons
- The lazy load is not available as a separate plugin rather than, you have to purchase wp speed of light plugin, and you will avail this lazy loading add on as well.
WP Speed of light plugin pricing
The pricing starts at $34 with pro add ons for six months.

a3 Lazy Load plugin
a3 Lazy Load plugin Key features
a3 is another ideal plugin for those sites which are heavily loaded with images. Therefore, to speed optimize your website, this plugin works extraordinarily. This plugin is handy specially for WooCommerce sites. Another remarkable feature is that you can use this plugin for videos as well along with images.
A3 Lazy Load pros
- The strong point about this plugin is that the heavier the site is with images, the better will it perform.
- Highly mobile responsive and straightforward to use on any screen
- A3 lazy load is powered by ressio Lazy-Load –xt javascript.
- The lazy loading function is customizable, and you can define which images will go on lazy loading when the pages start scrolling and when they become visible.
- The lazy loading supports all embed videos embed by URL in posts and pages.
- A3 comes with built-in support with WordPress AMP plugin.
- You can also choose lazy load effects with options “FADE IN” or “SPINNER.”
- Highly compatible with the WooCommerce plugin.
A3 Lazy Load cons
- It may not work with hardcoded images or background images.
- It may break the site as complained by many customers.
A3 Lazy Loading pricing
A free 14 days trial period is available up to 5 sites. After that, the basic version can be availed at $24/ month.

BJ Lazy Load plugin
BJ Lazy Load plugin is a perfect choice for loading your site faster by replacing all of your posts images, content iframes with a placeholder and it loads the images only when the visitors reach the browser window. It integrates with iframe very well. Therefore, it also supports videos from youtube, Vimeo, etc.
BJ Lazy Load pros
- Download the plugin unzip it and activate the plugin through the plugin menu from WordPress.
- Mobile responsive and automatically scale down images to fit into the screen
- Lazy load all the selected images with a placeholder, and you can customize to choose the placeholder and skip the images.
- BJ Lazy Load supports embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo.
BJ Lazy Load cons
- The plugin may cause high CPU usage.
- No proper customers support as many tickets are not getting proper response.
- The plugin has not been tested with the latest version of WordPress software so that compatibility issues may arise after installation.
BJ Lazy Load pricing
BJ Lazy Load is a free resource to download. You can download it from the WordPress repository.
Lazy Load for Videos plugin
Lazy Load for videos key features
Lazy Load for video is a lightweight plugin that targets lazy loading for videos, which many other plugins don’t do. It helps to improve your site speed and save bandwidth by replacing videos with a clickable image. By implementing this simple step of replacing the embed videos with a clickable image, this dedicated plugin significantly improves your site’s speed and also Google page speed score.
Lazy Load for videos pros
- The original title of the videos will be visible on the preview image
- A pre-roll and a past-roll feature allow converting all of your videos into a playlist, and later on, you can create a product teaser or an advertisement video with this playlist.
- You can choose to change the custom color of Vimeo according to your brand’s color.
- Choose sizes of thumbnails from standard to cover.
- Several play button styles are available.
- Works evenly good with multisite and easily configure with other plugins like TablePress/
Lazy Load for videos cons
- A lot of white space is added with each pretty annoying video.
- Images size can be too big for some themes, so watch out for CSS settings for this.
Lazy Load pricing
Download it for free from the WordPress repository.
Lazy Load by WP Rocket
Lazy Load by WP Rocket Key features
Lazy Load by WP Rocket a superb plugin with an exclusive ability to improve website loading time and displays the images only when the visitors scroll down. It saves the bandwidth and reduces the loading time by limiting the number of HTTP requests that your site sends to the server. It not only improves image loading speed, but it is equally suitable for your thumbnails and videos that generally cause the site to slow down.
Lazy Load by WP Rocket pros
- Mobile responsive screen. It works best for Mobile users also.
- Multisite compatibility allows this plugin to work on domains, subdomains, subdirectories.
- An extremely lightweight plugin with no javascript library is used, and weight is less than 10KB.
- Replace the youtube iframes by a preview thumbnail to boost your site’s speed.
- Wp Rocket continuously updates this plugin to keep it up to date with the latest version of WordPress.
Lazy Load by wp Rocket cons
- It doesn’t work on animated images.
- It doesn’t work with infographics, and it may break the design of your page.
- CSS background images are not supported.
Lazy Load by wp Rocket pricing
The free version is available at wordprss.org, and the paid version for a single site starts at $49 for one year.

Wrapping up
If your site is loaded with large images, then you must try these lazy loading images plugin, which will boost the speed of your site by lazy loading the images right away. These lazy loading plugins are helpful for WooCommerce websites which are heavily loaded with images and a surge of a speed boost is much needed to speed optimize your site. Hopefully, you find a better lazy loading plugin with our review. My vote goes with WP speed of light plugin which is packed with many other features also to speed optimize your site along with lazy loading features. This is an all-in-one solution pack for your site’s speed boost.